What are the 12 Golden Rules of Project Management? What is the 13th rule…

Rule 1: Thou shall gain consensus on the project outcome.

Rule 2: Thou shall build the best team possible.

Rule 3: Thou shall develop a comprehensive, viable plan and keep it up-to-date.

Rule 4: Thou shall determine how much activity you really need to get all things done.

Rule 5: Thou shall develop a realistic schedule.

Rule 6: Thou won’t try to do more than can be done

Rule 7: Thou will remember that people count.

Rule 8: Thou will gain the formal and ongoing support of management and all Stakeholders.

Rule 9: Thou must be willing to change.

Rule 10: Thou must keep others informed of what you’re up to. Communication is:

Rule 11: Thou must be willing to try new things.

Rule 12: Thou must become the leader.Related image

So what is the 13th rule?

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